Backyard Zip-Line for Kids

(Click on images to enlarge)

This is not really a Do-It-Yourself site, but I recently underwent the ordeal of building a zip-line by trial and error and thought that sharing my experience might help others trying to do this for their kids. I originally was going to just buy a kit, but they were a little more than I wanted to pay and I got talked into trying to custom build one by a dude at Lowe’s.

He suggested I buy a certain gauge of rope and a metal pulley with a swivel on it. I tried this, and the rope basically acted like a rubber band, sending even my lightest son (I have three, ages 10, 8, and 5) to the ground within about 10 feet of the take-off platform. By the end of the day I had concluded that steel cable would be the only way to fly for the 60 feet was trying to span and the angle of the descent. Back at Lowe’s, I purchased about 70 feet of 3/16 ” steel cable, which was no more expensive than the rope — about $40. When I tried to string it up I found it was hard to get enough tension on it. It too was sagging to the ground. So tension would be the next holy grail.

I weighed several options and wound up buying a “come-along” or “fence puller.” It goes by several names but is basically a ratchet with an 18-inch handle on it and two steel hooks that you can ratchet in to take out six feet of slack or ease back out if need be. This product (from Lowe’s, of course) is called the Pow’r-Pull from Maasdam (about $40). You might think you’re man enough to pull 60 feet of steel cable tight enough for zipping but you’ll be sorely disappointed. This will be the best $40 you’ll spend during this project. The come-along will allow you to make subtle changes in tension from day to day as the trees change or as you might get heavier friends trying out the zip-line. (On that point, my 10-year -old is about 65 pounds, and he probably has a little more than a year left on this.)

The come-along. $40 well spent.

With the steel line up and the come-along in place, I now found that the metal pulley I bought along with the rope wasn’t performing. The trough that the cable rode in was too wide and the pulley wheel was turning this way and that on the way down creating lots of drag and a slow ride.

On a return visit to Lowe’s, I bought a couple of cheap plastic pulleys of different sizes that are intended for clotheslines. I was worried that the steel cable would chew up the plastic pulley wheel, but such has not been the case, and the thinner wheel trough was indeed the key to a faster (and quieter) ride.

Oh wait — I knew I was leaving out a bunch. From the beginning I had intended to fasten the upper end of the line to the boys’ fort, the roof of which was their launch pad. This fort is built for the ages, constructed out of solid walls of landscaping timbers nailed together with six-inch stakes. It doesn’t budge. But when I started putting tension on the steel cable, I started pulling off the superstructure that the cable was attached to. When after another round of purchases I bolted the superstructure on and started cranking the come-along again, the whole fort started to come down. Long story short, GO TREE TO TREE. Find two trees first, THEN measure your distance and buy your cable. After looping the cable around your branches you can connect it to itself with steel clips. Use locking nuts and crank them on as tight as humanly possible. If your line fails (as it did during our first day) it will be here.

The zip-line runs tree-to-tree over the roof of the fort which acts as the launch pad. Trying to attach it to the fort was a time- and money-wasting near-disaster.

The pulley-handle assembly consists of the aforementioned plastic clothesline pulley joined by a steel loop to an eye-bolt that is fed through a dowel of about 1-inch in diameter and capped by a washer and locking nut. We stole a blue seat strap off an old booster seat that lets the boys pull the handle back to the launch platform.

UPDATE: Well, the zipline has been up about a year now, and, of course, the plastic pulley pictured above didn’t fare well in the elements. (It broke on an especially fast run into the bottom turnbuckle. So I poked around the Lowe’s a little more and made a SUBSTANTIAL improvement in both durability and performance. I used a couple of L brackets with a hole pre-drilled in the corner of them, and a couple of garage door pulleys so that the whole assembly (with the exception of the dowel) is now steel. Using TWO pulleys instead of one also substantially increased the speed because it holds the operator straight and doesn’t waste energy on the twisting from side to side that the above assembly did.

Garage door pulleys connected with two L brackets and held to the handle with a steel loop has improved the performance and the safety. The only drawback is that if the cable is allowed to jump outside the pulley it can occasionally jam and have to be forced out of the pinch spot and back into its slot.

Lastly, steel cable with this kind of tension will slice through most branches like hot butter. After some unsuccessful experimentation with lumber scraps to protect the branches, I went (to Lowe’s) and bought a PVC coupling about 5″ in diameter and cut it lengthwise in half, each half being used to protect a different limb.

I had to split the difference in height between these two branches in order for the line to be high enough over the fort but not too high. If you can get away with using one branch, that’s certainly the way to go.

So to sum up:

  1. Unless you are working with a hill that increases your slope, use steel cable, not rope.
  2. Go to tree to tree, unless you’re coming off a steel or concrete structure. Just to get a steel cable straight takes more tension than you’d think.
  3. To create loops at the ends of your cable, use steel rope clips with locking nuts (sold separately) tightened to the max.
  4. Use two steel garage door pulleys connected with L brackets for the handle assembly.
  5. Buy a come-along or fence puller to give you control over tension. The come-along shown will take up to 6 feet of slack out of your line, so pull it as much as you can manually before you form your loops and attach your clips, hence fixing the cable’s lenth.
  6. Protect your trees with a large-diameter PVC coupling cut in half lengthwise.
  7. Lastly, I spread a few bags of hardwood mulch under the first few feet of the line in case there’s a fall at the highest point. The low end, fastened at about five feet, basically just sets them down gently on their feet.
  8. For a 60′ line like ours, you should be able to get out for just under $100. ($40 for cable, $40 for come-along, $20 for clips, dowel, pulley, eye-bolt, etc.)

Lots of false starts and mid-stream adjustments but it was worth it. And if I had this info, I could have done it at about half the cost and 1/3 the time.

Have fun! Even backwards and upside-down …

20 comments on “Backyard Zip-Line for Kids

  1. Erik Lowcock says:

    What could have possibly inspired such an undertaking? But it sure looks like fun!

  2. Andrea says:

    Hi Avrel,
    Please accept my gratitude for putting together this article with enough details. As a very non-handy dad to two boys age 6.5 and 2.5 I have been wondering where to start on such a project myself. I was thinking rope myself but now will refrain and use the steel rope. The come-along seems like a great idea for adjusting the tension and I will certainly be using it.

    I have some questions if you can spare a few more minutes of your time please.

    1, In the first picture, your son appears to have two bright green and blue plastic things in his fist. Are they intended to firm his grip from the top?

    2, I am also interested in your boys’ fort, made by landscaping timber and fastened by 6 inch stakes. Could you please shed some details around the materials used for that and a couple of pictures of it as my kids would love a thing like that. I am very interested in how it is secured to the ground.

    Again, thank you for your time with this article and in also in advance for my questions.


    • Avrel Seale says:

      Hi Andrea,
      Thanks for the kind words. Glad you found this useful.

      1. I can see now what you’re seeing but for the life of me I don’t know what that is … some strange artifact of the photo, maybe big goofy rings he was wearing that day. In any event, those are not part of the handle, which is just a plain wooden dowel as shown in a later picture.

      2. I started out trying to build the fort log-cabin style out of railroad ties, which was a huge mistake. Not only are they ungodly heavy and hard as iron to cut from age, but they’re also toxic, as they, like telephone poles, are soaked in creosote during manufacturing to prolong their life. (Not a great play environment for kids!) Anyway, I got about two layers around with the ties before I decided to change course, but whatever their shortcomings, they did provide a nice, heavy base; they are not secured to the ground but just held in place by their own weight. Occasionally, Lowe’s or Home Depot will put those landscaping timbers on sale. Unless cost is not an object, I would wait for that time (and this time of year is most likely) and then pounce. The design of the fort was completely improvised, and I made it a lot harder on myself by custom cutting every piece of it as I went along instead of figuring out the design beforehand and then cutting to uniform lengths. It’s more or less 8-feet square, which is the length those timbers come in, and a little less than five feet high. Those timbers are about 3.5 inches deep, so you need those 5-6-inch nails or “spikes” to get enough purchase on the timber below. I will try to post a few more pics of it in the coming days. Thanks for your interest, and good luck!

    • Shawn says:

      I built one similar to this for my kids about 10 years ago with a couple of differences, first I used 1/4 inch cable because my wife said that it had to hold me (250 lbs) before the kids could try it. I used a length of garden hose around the tree branches and fed the cable thru and clamped it. lastly I went to an athletic supply store and got a steel pull down bar to use for the handle, and because my youngest was only 3, I also went to the playground store and got one of those swings with rubber coated chain.

  3. Anthony says:

    This is awesome! I am planning one with almost the exact same setup. How high was your launch deck? Thanks for all your tips….they will surely help save some time.

    • Avrel Seale says:

      Hey Anthony. Many thanks. The roof of the fort, which is their launch deck, is about five feet off the ground. They have to really reach to grab the handle above them though. The high end of the line is fastened behind them to the tree probably about 12 feet off the ground. Good luck, and safety first!

  4. Jim says:

    Your trolley design is ingenious. Based on your description and picture, I made one just like it, and it works great. THANK YOU!

    We built a backyard zipline last weekend. The clothesline pulley I got at Lowes didn’t work. Trolleys from zipline companies are expensive (e.g., $80+) and would have to be ordered. Searching the Internet, I ran across your design

    Cherry Hill, NJ

  5. Jim says:

    BTW: For the tree with the come-along, we figured out a way to mount the cable to that tree, and remove the come-along.

    We attached one end of the zipline cable to the first tree, similar to how you did it. At the other end of the zipline, we used a come-along to attach it to the second tree:

    We used wire-clamps to clamp the zipline cable to the come-along cable. We clamped to the zipline cable so it left about 10 feet of lose cable, We then cranked the come-along, to get the zipline cable tight. The cable was so tight that it pulled the two trees toward each other some.

    We then wrapped that lose cable around the second tree, and pulled it tight by hand, then wire-clamped it (in the same manner we wire-clamped the zipline cable to the first tree). With the zipline attached to the second tree, we could release the come-along and remove it. From having pulled the trees toward each other, they maintain plenty of tension on the cable.

    The disadvantage of this technique is that if the cable loosens, I’ll have to put the come-along back up, and repeat the process to tighten the cable.


  6. Good info. I have 4 questions for you. Where did you get the garage door pulley wheels? How much were they?! Where did you buy the “u” shaped metal piece on the trolley that goes under the wire in the front and back? (there are 2 of them) How much were they? Thanks…..!


  7. Good info. I have 4 questions for you. Where did you buy the garage door pulley wheels? How much were they?
    Where did you buy the metal u-shaped trolley piece that goes under the wire? (There are 2 of them. One in front and one in back). How much were they? That’s it for now. Thanks. Hope to hear from you soon.


    • Avrel Seale says:

      Hi Dan, The pulleys can be bought at any big-box home improvement store. I got mine at Lowe’s and they were no more than $3 each. And the U-shaped pieces are part of the pulley assembly; they come with the pulley. Good luck! –Avrel

  8. joe says:

    Thanks for the info, love the pulley thing, with the money I saved, I went out and bought your book, here is hoping others do the same. Long term, I would not recommend wrapping anything around a tree, it can choke off the tree and kill it. As brutal as it sounds it is better to punch a hole through or at least screw in an eye-bolt. Mine seems to hold up well and the tree just grows around it.

    Given our limited space, ours only runs about 30 feet, and I’m conflicted on how to make it stop. I’ve seen specs for a stop log with bungee, that will probably be my best option.

  9. Christine says:

    Thanks! I am thinking of going tree to chain link fence. WHat is your landing pad like? How do you keep the kids from crashing into the tree? Thanks for the great post!

    • Avrel Seale says:

      Thanks, Christine. I discovered your question while cleaning up the site this morning. By now you no doubt have found a way, but the way we had it rigged the kids could just stop themselves with their feet because the height of the cable came down to their height. Also, the cable went through the come-along and then fastened to itself, so the handle bars were stopped by that fastener five feet or so before the tree. Sorry your question fell through the cracks!

  10. kerrianne says:

    This is such a great article!

  11. Joyce says:

    Really liked this setup!

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